Zend Developer Tools in DoctrineORMModule

If you ever tried Zend Developer Tools you will surely understand the importance of being able to track performance pitfalls or excessive amount of queries in your applications when developing.


To setup Zend Developer Tools, run

composer require zendframework/zend-developer-tools

Then enable ZendDeveloperTools in your modules and enable profiling and the toolbar (see docs of Zend Developer Tools for that).

Once ZendDeveloperTools is enabled, having doctrine.entity_manager.orm_default as your default EntityManager, you will notice that the queries performed by the ORM get logged and displayed in the toolbar.


If you want to customize this behavior (or track multiple EntityManager instances) you can do it in different ways. Please note that if you have set an SQLLogger in your configuration, this functionality won’t override it, so you can use these features in total safety.

Multiple EntityManager/Connection instances and logging

WARNING! These are advanced features! Even if the code is fully tested, this is usually not required for most users!

To setup logging for an additional DBAL Connection or EntityManager, put something like following in your module:


namespace MyNamespace;

class Module
    public function getConfig()
        return [
            'doctrine' => [
                'sql_logger_collector' => [
                    'other_orm' => [
                        // name of the sql logger collector (used by ZendDeveloperTools)
                        'name' => 'other_orm',

                        // name of the configuration service at which to attach the logger
                        'configuration' => 'doctrine.configuration.other_orm',

                        // uncomment following if you want to use a particular SQL logger instead of relying on
                        // the attached one
                        //'sql_logger' => 'service_name_of_my_dbal_sql_logger',

            'zenddevelopertools' => [

                // registering the profiler with ZendDeveloperTools
                'profiler' => [
                    'collectors' => [
                        // reference to the service we have defined
                        'other_orm' => 'doctrine.sql_logger_collector.other_orm',

                // registering a new toolbar item with ZendDeveloperTools (name must be the same of the collector name)
                'toolbar' => [
                    'entries' => [
                        // this is actually a name of a view script to use - you can use your custom one
                        'other_orm' => 'zend-developer-tools/toolbar/doctrine-orm',

    public function getServiceConfiguration()
        return [
            'factories' => [
                // defining a service (any name is valid as long as you use it consistently across this example)
                'doctrine.sql_logger_collector.other_orm' => new \DoctrineORMModule\Service\SQLLoggerCollectorFactory('other_orm'),

    public function onBootstrap(\Zend\EventManager\EventInterface $e)
        $config = $e->getTarget()->getServiceManager()->get('Config');

        if (isset($config['zenddevelopertools']['profiler']['enabled'])
            && $config['zenddevelopertools']['profiler']['enabled']
        ) {
            // when ZendDeveloperTools is enabled, initialize the sql collector

This example will simply generate a new icon in the toolbar, with the log results of your other_orm connection: